The Sims 4 Gardening Guide

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  • A full guide to fertilizer in the Sims 3. Includes information on the best fertilizer, facts about how fertilizers work. Help with how to fertilize your garden, and a screenshot of a garden with and without fertilizer so you can see a side by side comparison of the effects.
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June 8 - Make sure to watch The Sims at EA Play - we announced the next Expansion, Game and Stuff Packs coming to The Sims 4! Effect Seasons has on Gardening PoppyRichards Posts: 1,466 Member.

I want to cheat a beautiful garden but I cannot figure out how to do it in Sims 4.


This guide covers Gardening from the perspective of a new player and moves on to more advanced topics such as perfect plants, grafting, and fertilizer. We do talk about gardening overhaul grafting and changes to the way you acquire plants via buy mode.

About the Gardening Overhaul
With the Sims 4 Seasons release, all players received a free patch that overhauls the Gardening Skill. Plants no longer need to be watered as often, and at the same time there is an area of effect to watering and weeding. Plants up to 1 full square away (visible in build mode) will receive water when the Sim completes the animation. This results in your Sim doing about 10% the usual amount of watering. Additionally, evolve is no longer an animation, and Sims will not need to do it as often as plant quality levels have been cut from 10 to 5. You can also now sell plants without using the inventory. Grafting has also changed. Rares spawn.. rarely, about 1% spawn rate - so they are not broken, just poorly tuned.

Gardening Overview
The Sims 4's Gardening Skill offers you a means of growing plants to make money or make your own ingredients for meals, boosting their quality while pursuing completion of the Plants Collection. You can also use produce as bait. This Guide to Gardening will teach you about fertilizer, evolving plants, quality levels, cuttings and grafts, and how you can grow a big garden at home while still giving your Sims an active life.

Sims 4 Gardening Grafting Guide

The Sims 4 Gardening GuideThe sims 4 gardening guide free

Starting Gardening & Skill Level Unlocks
The Four basic skills of Gardening are Plant, Water, Weed, and Harvest. All these are self-explanatory, but necessary to help your plants to grow. These are the skills you get at the beginning, and starting is a simple matter of buying seeds or harvesting plants from the wild. You may also read Gardening skill books to raise your level.

The Sims 4 Gardening Guide List

Taking Care of your Garden: Tending Garden and Harvest Yields
Plants operate on a schedule such that they all need water at the same time of day with the most recent Sims 4 patches. At 6am, the game checks if the plant has been watered recently and if it's time for another drink, or if it should spawn weeds. With The Sims 4 Seasons, rain may water your garden for you. A plant will only grow unhappy if it is neglected for a time. Plants will gradually grow up to their maximum of 10 harvestables. Waiting is good as plants will provide more harvestables the longer you wait and harvesting immediately will yield fewer fruit, while resetting the timer, causing it to take longer for them to produce fruit again. Keep an eye on fertilizing, however, and try to keep that effect active on your favorite plants, so they can evolve quickly.