Ck2 Playing As A Vassal

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[RELEASE] A Game of Thrones v1.6Dec 5, 2017 16:11:37 GMTSalty_Balls, raistlin, and 4 more like this
Ck2Ck2 playing as a vassal of the pope

No login box windows 10. Paradox Interactive's monarch simulator Crusader Kings 2 has imparted many a wise word that can still be useful, even in this modern world of ours. 5 Life Lessons I Learned From Playing.

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Post by knuckey on Dec 5, 2017 16:11:37 GMT

A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II

A Game of Thrones v1.6
Steam Workshop: LINK
Windows installer/exe: LINK
Mac / Linux / zipped files: LINK
Official Sub-mods: LINK
Checksum: HRDM
Compatible with: CK2
In a land where summers last for years and winters last for decades, nine great families struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Take control of a noble house, from the Starks of Winterfell to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and win the Iron Throne!
PlayingBut remember, winter is coming.
Mac/Linux/Zipped files warning: The mod files must be copied to <Your Documents>/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod folder. We also recommend any previous mod files in this folder are deleted before copying the new version. Windows users have been provided with an installer that performs this function automatically, while Mac users can find detailed installation instructions in the manual
Warning: This mod is likely to be incompatible with 32bit systems with low memory. We recommend at least 4GB of memory on a 64bit system.
Patch 1.6 Notes
This patch mainly concerns patch 2.8 and The Jade Dragon DLC, with many new additions and fixes
- Updated mod for 2.8
- Major portrait updates
- Valyrian steel swords and dragon eggs now use the artifact system.
- Rename dragons, swords and other artifacts
- AI is less likely to kidnap random young women
- Reinstated ursine shenanigans
- Improved dragon-feline interaction
Century of Blood, Westeros Only and other new official submods will follow soon.
Full changelog below.

Ck2 Playing As A Vassal Free

Version 1.6
- Updated mod for 2.8
Jade Dragon/2.8:
- Integrated some DLC falvour events and event pictures
- Integrated vanilla write book events
- Applied new monastic government to Norvos to make them playable
- Applied new vanilla kinslayer system, also added a suspected kinslayer trait
- Adapted JD hiring chinese strategist events to the mod
- Linked maesters with the new teacher title
- Added the new vanilla vassalisation casus belli
- Andals can use force vassalisation against First Men
- Added the new vanilla unjust war CB, game rule is defaulted to off
- Yi Ti culture now puts dynasty name before first name
- Added a special tributary type for the Sarnori mechanics
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added a modified version of the Rhoynar+ water magic. Can only be used in province bordering the rhoyne or it's tribuatries
- Added a game rule for Targaryen coin flip event
- A poor and weak AI patrician may now sell their family palace and patrician status to another lord
- Added option to foreign tour to vist the wonders made by man (event text by Sinstar)
- Holding upgrades now work via a settlement decision. They can also no longer fail.
- Reworked vanilla 'weaken fellow vassal' plot. It can no longer result in war, and has improved AI logic
- Added an 'old and lonely' mourning event
- Improved vanilla 'arbitrary' trait events
- Kingsguard can now choose sides in a mega war
- When successfully pressing a claim, a lord may now sometimes choose to vassalise the target rather than usurp
- Added a decision to reassign a councillor to another vacant council position
- Made it harder to legitimise bastards, only kings and independent rulers can now grant legitimisation in most circumstances
- Added some smuggling events for pirates
- Unlanded characters may now renounce or take up piracy
- Kingdoms inherited by distant relatives who are not dynasts now usually fall into interregnum (applies to Dany in Meereen)
- Improved dragon-feline interaction
- Removed vanilla ask to embargo action and replaced with a decision for the mod, so AI and other conditions can be better controlled.
- The Iron Throne's traditional capital can now dynamically change to king's landing and other places
- Valyrian Steel wars now starts via an ultimatum issued via diplomatic interaction
- Added more Others update events
- Adjusted structure of siege take prisoners event, including added option to put them all in house arrest which precludes subsequent requests for house arrest
- Jon Snow now gets the deserter trait if he accepts Stannis' offer and is defeated in the North
- Added more options for replies to demands for raiding redress
- Mercenary company wealth is now distributed amongst its members
- Added events informing others of interesting trials by combat/court
- Added notification event whenever a random combat skill increase is successful
- Robb now makes some friend in his first ACoK event
- The event for faith of the seven high valyrians to take an extra 'spouse' is now a decision
- Using wildfire in an offensive siege is now a decision
- When the Great Sept is built in King's Landing it is now named after whoever built it
- Made some revisions to Danny Flint event chain
- The player can rename their newborn dragons to whatever they like
- Non-valyrians can now convert to valyrian culture if one of their parents is valyrian
- Added an option to grant a landless character a vacant kingdom if the capital is held by a vassal republic
- Added notification for when commanders are defeated in personal combat during battle
- Added a Marwyn the Mage event in AFFC
- Added an event where a ruler can try to force their widowed relatives to get married
- The force marriage decision can now be used between prisoners and any available courtier
- The player can now directly pick slave breeding partners from the decision menu
- Landholding priests of the Boash religion will get the blinded trait
- If Victarion uses the dragon horn, there is now a chance that Euron will get the dragon
- Few important Reach Lords can now choose to follow Stannis or Tyrells after Renly's death during Parley at Storm's End
- Valyrian steel swords now use the artifact system. Added a portrait indicator for owners of valyrian steel artifacts. Traits retained for dead characters for history purposes.
- Added the option to view the past holders of valyrian steel artifacts
- Added a decision to seize ancestral valyrian steel from prisoners. Also added a game rule to allow the seizure of any valyrian steel
- Dragon eggs are now artifacts
- Added dragon horns as artifacts that are very useful for dragon taming
- The player can now rename most atrifacts (converted the 'destroy artifact' button into a 'manage artifact' button)
- Added an option to sell an artifact
- Added new portrait layer that displays equipped canon crowns
- Converted flagships into artifacts
- Patrician flagship feud event now uses flagship artifacts
- When the AI obtains a generic valyrian steel it will now be given a dynamic name
- Artifacts are now transferred after an interregnum council
- Added a fire sword artifact
- Added arakh, crystal sword and daaario's ladies artifacts
- Dynamically forged Iron Throne crowns are now named after the first holder
- Added more crowns, weapons, book and other misc artifacts
- Added a special event for colonising Old Ghis
- Fixed Royce Bronze Armor
Alchemist Guild:
- Erudite characters can now join the Alchemists Guild
- Boosted chance of AI characters joining the Alchemists Guild
- Fixed shortage of Wisdoms in the Alchemists Guild
- Added a warning for the player when they cannot receive missions from The Alchemists Guild
- Alchemists will no longer ask to go to The Citadel for training
- Alchemists will no longer volunteer for the Night's Watch
Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- SPOILER: J can now find out about R+L at feasts, weddings and other events
- Added Empress Khiara the Great's Lengi indepdence war to the Century of Blood bookmark
- Added a second bookmark to Century of Blood for Harwyn Hardhand's invasion of the Riverlands
- Changed some historical dates for ancient characters in Dorne
- Qarth has control of the Jade Gate provinces in the Century of Blood
- Added historical date changes for ancient characters to the Century of Blood files
- The Yellow Emperor that married a Valyrian is no longer active in the Century of Blood, moved back 1000 years
- Fixed House Branfield being kingslander culture
- Jon is now friends with Robb and Arya
- Updated stats/traits of Mance Rayder, Darkstar, Drogo, Mace Tyrell,
- Added grandsons to House Norrey and Flint
- Added unnamed Manderly household knight
- Fixed Little and Big Walder birth dates
- House Strong now owns the Red Fork
- Added more blackfyre claimants to the Blackfyre lineage history
- Added House Reyaan as a patrician house in Braavos
- Made many adjustments and fixes to Targaryen, Velaryon and Blackfyre families
- Updated history/traits of Justin Massey, Pycelle
- Adjusted Euron's traits/stats and restored his eyepatch
- Added Byan Votyris, Pello Greenbeard, Harmen Dondarrion, Roro Uhoris
- Updated house Wode book era family
- Fixed Terrance Storm's dynasty
- Fixed Renly's birth date
- Made some House Toland revisions
- Made Euron and Theon/Asha rivals
- Updated Jason Lannister's history
- Updated Varamyr Sixskins family/traits/history
- Updated the Harles wildling family
- Updated Rhaenys' traits
- Added quick trait to Maester Aemon
- Added some canon black brothers
- Made Santagar book era family bigger
- Caswells are now neutral in Wot5K
- Phillip Foote now backs the King in AFFC
- Harrenhal vassals are now sworn to the Tullys in ACoK
- Fixed succession laws in some iron islands titles
- Whitehill-Forrester war is now only ongoing only in between ACoK and AFFC, to avoid interference with canon wars
- Added some canon courtiers to Dany's court
- Changed House Sunglass to Stormlanders rather than West Valyrians
- Changed some historical character dates for ancient characters in the Reach
- Changed some historical dates for ancient characters in the Vale
- Made Harwood Stout one-armed
- Other misc database updates/fixes
- Made some revisions to siege capture events
- Boosted chance of North/Vale AI getting a claim on The Sisters during the canon conflict period
- Some casus bellis no longer give 100% war score when capturing the enemy
- Revised conditions/AI for someone stealing the throne from a nominated female heir, player will no longer be forced into this
- A sub-vassal can no longer declare independence from a dejure liege
- The restriction on attempting to tame a dragon in a province owned by a dragon rider now also applies if the owner is a dragon riding dynasty (meaning the dynasty head is or has been a dragon rider)
- Yellow Emperor invader can no longer have a dragon
- A regent must now have some sort of claim/justification for stealing the throne via event. Now also incurs dishonour.
- Lowered opinion of spouse threshold for becoming a widow
- It is now harder for females of an agnatic culture to go on a landless adventure
- Deaths in trials by combat are now slightly less likely
- Rebalanced prestige/salary of all council and honourary titles
- Added ticking unoccupied warscore to several casus bellis
- Wildlings joining defensive coalitions is now less likely
- Added a defeated major revolt modifier that gives fear, and prevents most rulers from joining factions against rulers with high fear
- Pirate realms inherited by non-pirates now break up
- Unlanded dragon riders may now sometimes reject marriages
- If a wildling king is defeated during an invasion their realm may now shatter if they have insufficient prestige
- Night's Watch, kingsguard, dragons etc can no longer be invited to court
- High rank rulers now start with more prestige at the start of the game
- Adjusted trial by combat champion requirements
- Nomads can no longer seek raiding redress
- Decreased chance of making friends at feasts
- Pressing the claim of a courtier now results in a non-aggression pact
- Dragon riders can now always use fabricate claim on liege title plot if liege is not a dragon rider
- Reduced martial gain from dragon rider trait
- Made tourney winners pursuing related queens of love and beauty less likely
- The traits of a child's educator now has an effect on what childhood traits they may get (Conclave DLC)
- Immortal characters will no longer become infirm, blind or incapable
- Estimated duel skill now effects trait cost in ruler designer
- Rulers can now surrender to emancipation war declarations
- The player now has the choice on whether to usurp a nominated female heir
- All province modifiers that effect build time now also effect colony completion time
- Added some restrictions on when the vengeance CB can be used
- Made Danny Flint event less likely
- Increased fort level siege assault cap to 10
- Added a 5 year opinion boost for characters who have won a kingsmoot, which also allows use of the ironborn invasion CB regardless of loyalists. Zealous trait also now allows this CB
- Ironborn with certain traits are now more likely to join loyalist factions of a liege who can use the invasion CB
- Made some adjustments to Euron's start in AFFC so that his vassals like him more
- Liege's can no longer command a vassal to stand down if they are imprisoned by them
- Night's Watch deserters can no longer call for coalition aid
- Rulers at war with the faith will no longer get the option to join the Warrior's Sons
- Rulers are less likely to join coalitions for foreigners or for wars between minor parties
- Adjusted AI dragon intimidation. Will now never declare war on a strong dragon rider unless overwhelmingly more powerful.
- Added some more AI restrictions to some plots
- AI use of field of fire decision is now triggered by event, to ensure they use it in good time
- Improved AI logic for accepting to be a trial champion (less likely to fight own relatives)
- Improved AI post mega war punishment logic
- Characters with the tame a dragon ambition may now actively seek a dragon to tame
- Expanded AI traditional naming system to include more great houses
- Made some adjustments to faction AI
- Ai is less likely to kidnap random young women
- AI regents may now fire their liege's councillors
- The AI should now never transfer vassalage of The Kingsguard
Graphics and portraits:
Major portrait updates
- Added many new portrait graphics improvements (westerosi, northman, ironborn, valyrian)
- New Hair and Beards (Western, Northman, Dornish, Dothraki, Free Cities, Muslim, Ironborn)
- New Clothes and Headgear (Andal, Dothraki, Ghiscari, Ironborn, Muslim, Myrman, Northman, Qartheen, Dornish, Western, Valyrian)
- Fixed a headgear bug with Merchant portraits (new portraits now hide the missing hair that is triggered for slots 10, 12, 13 and 14)
- New 'Shared' graphics (artifact crowns, scars, illnesses)
- New version of Norvosi beards
- New Myrman ethnicity
- CotF and Islander portraits replaced
- Brindle portraits now use Dothraki clothes/headgear
- Minor adjustment/fix to Western middle-aged male portraits nose and mouth position
- Much needed fixes to the order of portrait layers for several cultures (example: some old portraits had scars appear above clothes)
- Modified White Walker headgear. Metal crowns have been replaced with 'Night King' style ice horns.
- Added on to 'red_dots' and 'boils' (portraits now slightly change for warlock, white walker, undead, greyscale, greyscale scarred, stressed, drunkard, or sick characters)
- Added new White Walker portrait components (base appearance mediated through red_dots, headgear updated)
- Nefer now uses tibetan holding graphics
- YiTish now use chinese portraits and holdings graphics
- Fixed dodgy slavery event pictures
- Added House Hardyng to dynamic CoA system
- Added death icons for duels, sold into slavery, fire, wildfire, missing, dragons, stillborn, eaten and snu snu NOTE: need to check if the duel one automatically recolours red for known killers or not, if not get a red version of it
- Added Brindlemen portraits by Fededorian
- Added Lysten's Northman graphics
- Updated Winter Crown in artifact gfx
- New 'Zorse' artifact picture
- New Qohor flag (submitted by BlackGoat)
- New religious portraits
- Jogos heads slightly adjusted
- The Three Sisters now use Iron Islands base value buildings (renamed)
- Can now build base values in colonised nomad lands
- Added a Volcanic Activity building to Shadowlands, Marahai and Valyria which has same effects as the Dragonmont
- Sothoryos wealth buildings can now be built in Goggosos
- Fair isle is now directly sworn to The Westerlands
- Adjusted base values of some westerland holdings (including weakening Fang Tower)
- Re-arranged some Stormland provinces
- Fixed flea bottom shipyard
- Removed the basilisk islander culture. Basilisk Isles now have random cultures in a similar fashion to The Stepstones
- The Isle of Lice is now an inhabited island in the Basilisk Isles
- Added more holdings to Trader Town
- Increased supply limit in jungle provinces
- Removed adjaciency beetween Holyhall and Inchfield as the first one is not bordering Mander
- Made some optimisations based on event trigger frequency data
- Ruler designer bastards are now given a bastard nickname if possible
- Random high valyrians are no longer kept before 8050, instead they are converted to West/Essosi valyrian culture
- The high valyrian cull now changes culture/appearance/name of invalid high valyrians instead of killing them
- Made effects of harvest feast event clearer
- Reinstated ursine shenanigans
- Claimant adventurers now have title rank and style befitting their target. Can now also use dynamic COA
- Tweaked notch draw loose event
- Added many dynasty names by damocles
- Added missing defined barony to Lannisport
- Revised ransom offer events
- Asabhad is now in the Yi Ti culture group and uses a mix of Hyrkoon and Yi Ti gods
- Added council voting on forming/breaking alliances/pacts
- Prohibited mythical characters from plots/ambitions
- Added many scripture names for religions
- Added some improved culture name sets by Damocles (Wildlings, valyrian, free cities, dothraki, ibbenese, summer islander)
- Added maintenance culling large white walker courts
- Added a maintenance event for Dany's quest fixing any breakages in the event chain
- Made dragontamer nickname less prevalent
- Missing characters are now considered inaccesible and are infertile
- Made some adjustments to Nightswatch / white walkers calls to arms
- Hunt subversives job action is now disabled if devil worshippers are disabled (there is nothing to hunt)
- Made it impossible to hold claims on many special titles
- Changed Rose and Lion automatic join-to-war to ten years alliance beetween Mace and Joff so Mace is now called to arms by Joffrey to both anti-Robb and anti-Stannis wars. Only if started while Renly is alive.
Internal Scripting:
- Added a is_smart_incl_genius_trigger and is_dumb_incl_imbecile_trigger scripted triggers
- Added a is_old_gods_religion_trigger scripted trigger, which checks if a character is any version of an old gods religion
- Added a can_assign_admiral_trigger scripted trigger
- Changed internal dragon culture code to dragon_culture (to avoid clashing with cached dragon trait)
- Adjusted how tyranny is applied, using new on_tyranny_gained_tyrant_only on action
- Put dragons in their own culture/religion group
- Added a stillbirth_chance_effect scripted effect
- Updated increase_red_god_magic to use if, else_if, else structure so it can be used without exiting an entire effect
- Removed all instances of NOT = { has_global_flag = pre_conquest_scenario } and replaced with start_date = 8000.1.1
- Added a true_valyrian_culture_trigger trigger (high, west or essosi valyrian)
- Optimised many decisions using new ai_check_interval option
- Removed much AI yearly slavery and wildfire maintenance and merged it into decisions (using ai_check_interval)
- Added some more conditional tooltips to various things
- Added ai = no pre-trigger to many decisions
- Utilised new death_effects and lose_effects in several minor titles
- Implemented show_only_failed_conditions = yes to some decisions
- Implemented dynasty = actually_culture to various create_character effects
- Starks can no longer savage a dragon to death in their sleep
- Dragons can no longer be burned at the stakes as apostates
- White Walkers will no longer visit your brothel
- Fixed pirates sometimes being able to invade kingdoms
- Adjusted ruin maintenance eto ensure ruined flags are always present
- Novices exiled from The Citadel now lose maester education modifier
- Fixed destroying your own flagship when liberating your capital in a siege
- Removed buggy dynasty claim plot
- Fixed receiving carousing invites from a dead person
- Fixed Ai not picking a syncretic faith
- When a character converts they now lose their syncretic faith
- Fixed overthrow monarchy resolution in Norvos
- Fixed bug where if senior Triarch lost election and was only left with their family palace they would lose this palace within a day
- Fixed slave labour modifiers not applying to family palaces
- Fixed CTD when changing character caused by missing councillor map graphics
- Kingsguard at war with the king can no longer be used in trial by combat or battlefield/plot protection
- Fixed special Robert's Rebellion interregnum
- Fixed religious revolt leaders sometimes usurping patrician family palaces
- Paranormal devil worshipper maluses can now only occur when magic has returned to the world
- Fixed r+l parentage decision not working in some cases
- Immortal resurrected characters can no longer die of old age
- Infants can no longer gain personality traits from feast/siege events
- Fixed Nightsong not being seized by Stannis when he wins the Iron Throne
- Fixed instance of broken legitimise daeron the good decision
- Fixed hacking off limb to cure greyscale never working
- Fixed duplicated inherited dragon egg exploit
- Fixed women getting reaving salt wife event
- Fixed looping cuckolding opinion bug
- Fixed Household Guard not working in patrician palace holdings
- Fixed some issues with 'republic' military commands
- Fixed bug where a baron tier patrician would lose their patrician status when colonising a ruin
- Incapables can no longer become Azor Ahai
- Titular kingdoms with a unique title will be given that title on startup if the kingdom is active
- Added missing localisation for event cold_winds.67
- Fixed Old Ghis not being a ruin in Cenutry of Blood

Cabezaestufa: Founder/Map creator, General Coding Support, Events, DNA, Balancing, Bugfixing, North Content, Misc. Graphics, Team Management.
Knuckey: Project Leader, Scripting, History Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, 'Megawars'
Scripting & Coding:
Galle: Events, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, Fighting Traits and the Duel Engine, New Plots, AI Work, Nightswatch/wildlings content
Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Personal Interaction, Faceless Men, Dragons.
Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.
Fashbinder: Event scripting/balance, Trial by court, Nightswatch/wildlings content, Harrenhal restoration, R'hllor Magic, Reforged Swords, VSS Quest.
Toccs: Essos work, General Coding Support, DNA, Many History Updates/Improvements, Far East map creator, White Walkers.
blackninja9939: Event Scripting, Legitimise Cadets, Make a Noble, General Coding, Bugfixing, Forresters, Conquest of Dorne Events.
Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.
Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.
Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.
Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.
Etel: Grell-conversion Work.
black_imperator: Events.
Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.
HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.
Waylit: Special siege events mod.
Comradebot: Farwynd skinchanger events, Ironborn event ideas
Tompalmer : Event scripting.
StoneTheCrow/Tycho: Valyrian Swords, history improvements, bug fixes.
Jenks: Event scripting
JadenNooby : Rhoynar+ water magic events
Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner and hide versions).
the_hdk: Crownlands initial Content, Dynasty CoA Artist, Title Flags, New CoA Template (leather version), New Skinchanger trait icons and misc icons.
Rabid Bogling: Dynasty CoA and Title flags Artist. Qartheen Portraits. Dynamic CoA Overhaul.
StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens.
Nerfherder: Portrait improvements, white walker portraits, artifact images and many other graphics improvements
talias: Trait icons, Titular Kingdoms
Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.
Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures:
Starkweather: Valyrian children portraits, Titular Kingdoms
Jorian Drake: Dynasty CoA and title flags artist.
kuczaja: Qarth flags.
DarkReborn: Ghiscari portraits, Religion Icons
revisionist: Ghiscari Dynamic CoA.
hibludij: High Valyrian clothes
tem: Basilisk Island, Sothoryos flags, Lhazar flags
Midnighty: Summer Islands flags
Mavrosh: Map textures (lava, black rock and red earth):
Arko: Interface improvements
Choccy: Valyrian/Rhllor CoA
foxwillow: Dynasty CoA Artist
LancelotLoire: Old White Walker portraits
Attiris: Holding images and other misc graphics
Lysten: Northman portraits
Misc CoAs/Graphics: HMAS-Nameless, Molleby, Smoesville, Micxzu, Pageman, Myrik_Justiciar, deloswerty, azaghal, Vystas
Fededorian : Brindlemen portraits
Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.
Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories
Cidellus: Historical character histories
Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.
Initial Content: ThePiglet, Hroppa, AlecTrevelyan006, Helios Ra, Jazthesentinel, Maginor
Wiki Links: Rhoedon, ThatOtherGuy642, wuschbaam, lesh
Clash of Kings Scenario:
Tompalmer: Scenario Design Lead
Mug bubule, Nacodaco, Knuckey, Hobbes MkII, C_moore, HuskyWolf
Original Music :
Aurélien Benharrats (
Translations & Localization:
Werther (French Lead)
French: R.Graymarch, Ysalaine, Merela, Ereksen, Sand, Yunyuns, Quentyn Tully, Lestival, tompalmer, Stannis, Lord Riusma, BiatchDeluxe, Paillard
Dany Quest: Loafcake, jimthepocket, MBjarno, blackninja9939, JON SNOWSTARK, EDAP, KnightKing
Spanish: Osuna, Darkhorse27, Bysne, DiTo/DiToMz, Juanen
German: Loomis
Sparqman, pulcherada, SinStar87, fastrike, Pekay
Eras Biographies: Vystas, Fegelein, jankmaster98, Wilsonator, BFKelleher, 'Legitimized Jon Snow', Patency, Hawke, 'Shoshon The Elegant', TMSaxon, SerJaecerysStorm, MBjarno, Rubidium, Lingvort, pottman
Special thanks for french proofreading: Merela, Graymarch, Sand, Hawkin, Pandémie, Suwan
'Dom (JonSnoooow)' Saint_Esteban 'Ser Ham'
Smoesville Karuga ItsAtrap
Dingo lychnidos Kingsgrave
DadeRoyal 'Benjen Coldwater' daddytorgo
philosophert nudu Greatjon
Zirael Narf GoogleSearch
xoatl 'Daemon Blackfyre' EDAP
SerBrightflame SinStar87 hjkh123
fastrike Soulbourne Slavicist
Mitza8 tirion1987 Tiranasta
Pekay Galrun
Special Thanks To:
Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things (spoiler warning)
Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.
Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates
The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions
Alphanos's shortcuts mod
Dungeons and Sieges mod
Lupus Agnum mod
NB+/New Borders mod
Elder Kings mod
Ransom all minimod for various names
Captain Gars and Divine, Paradox User mod Coordinators
La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation. for all it's information and resources, including many CoA graphics
Paradox Interactive for their great game
George R. R. Martin for his awesome books

Ck2 Duke To King

Ck2 Playing As A Vassal System

Please don't post bug/problem reports in this thread, please use the bug report